Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Single, White, (Desperate?), Female

Online dating. It is a great concept, but not always a great experience. There are the websites that come with a cost (and that cost isn't cheap) and then there are the free sites. Unfortunately, what I've come to find is that the same guys are on both. Which means I've been wasting lots of money and it's slim pickings out there.

I have strategies that I use to get guys to email me first. No I'm not old fashioned, but being rejected online is just not my thing. So, I visit the guys page so that he will see I at least looked. Looking once just means I checked him out, so I look twice, maybe even three times. After he sees I have visited his page three times he is likely to think, hey maybe she is trying to decide if she is interested..I should probably email her and find out! Or he is thinking, I wish this psycho would move on, but of course I will never know and therefore never feel rejected!

The last guy I met online seemed pretty normal. On our first date we met for drinks and had plenty to talk about. On our second date he introduced me to his parents. Too much, too fast. However, that wasn't the only issue I had with him. He had two topics he liked to talked about...yes, only two. Number one was his desire to get married and have children and number two was how much and how often he liked to get drunk. 

Previous encounters with guys I have met online have ended similarly. One guy looked nothing like his pictures and said he forgot to update his age, which was off by 5 years. Another guy had two warrants for his arrest and stalked me for weeks after our "relationship" ended. I did meet one guy online who I was convinced was the one. However, 8 months later I found out I was not the one, but I was in his second girlfriend. He was dating two girls at once. 

So basically, online dating is a risky adventure. You might meet your prince charming along the way, but if not, you'll have lots of stories to entertain your married friends!

1 comment:

  1. Love love love it...look forward to more of your witty updates.
