Thursday, December 27, 2012

New Year....New Beginning

It’s almost January 1, 2013. That time of year when everyone makes their New Year’s resolutions. New year, new beginning, right?

While I do follow in the tradition, I’ve always felt more compelled to make some life changing decisions on my birthday. The day I begin a new year at a new age seems like the right time to me. However, this year’s birthday was such a horrible day, a blur, and all because of a guy. The same guy who has caused 90% of all of my bad days over the past 22 months. After all this though, can I really blame him? I let him do these things to me. I let him back in my life time and time again. I am the only one to blame.

For this reason my New Year’s resolution is to leave the past (him) in the past. I don’t like who I’ve become with him. So, I’m going to work hard to become the person I was before the person someone else made me be. 

It won’t be easy letting him go. Not easy at all. But it’s time. The hardest part is the pain and sadness. The only thing to ease that pain and sadness is the same thing that causes it…..him. I need to face life without him. Without seeing him, without hearing his voice, without reading his texts. Life completely void of him.

I know for most people, it’s hard to understand. It’s hard to see why someone would allow this to happen. They say, why is it so hard to just let go and move on? Well, this quote by Edna St. Vincent Millay says it all.

“Where you used to be there is a hole in the world, which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime and falling in at night. I miss you like hell.”

That, is exactly why it's so hard.

PS...Hi McKenna & Logan 


  1. Well Misty, even though I know it's hard, I think you are making the right decision. But I am one of the people who DOES understand. Only you and him know what you had/have and believe me when I say I've been there. But you deserve so much more. It's easy to not feel like it, but you do! So do I. I think that is the perfect New Year's resolution. Begin a completely new year and new chapter. We will do it together, literally! ha

  2. Thank you Sarah Lynn! I totally agree. Maybe 2013 will be our year...finally :)
