Friday, July 13, 2012

Closing An Open Book

“I don’t like to share my personal life. It wouldn’t be personal if I shared it.”
George Clooney

I’ve always been an open book. I have nothing to hide so why not share my every thought and decision with those around me? While there’s nothing wrong with this, I haven’t felt quite so open lately. 

These days it seems like a good idea to keep my thoughts to myself. No one can know everything about you and so sometimes when you share certain things with others; it can come across differently than you anticipated. Whether we like it or not everyone judges us. So only expose the parts of your life that you are comfortable with being judged and keep the rest to yourself. Some things should stay between you and God!

To most people it probably doesn’t seem like a big deal, but for me it feels so different; in a good way. Like Mr. Clooney said, some things need to be kept personal. These are the things that should be kept near and dear to your heart….and your heart only. 

People often say they just want to be alone with their thoughts. I think that's a lovely idea!